Lilies, they say, are symbols of peace. But peace is not given; it is cultivated. Lilies demand effort, patience, and faith - a willingness to confront the barren soil and nurture it back to life. …
There is about 3 hours left until I can see my first morning twilight in the new revolution. There is little sound of wind blowing but it is faint …
In The Matrix Resurrections, Morpheus says Not all seek to control. Just as not all wish to be free. The ever-increasing cases of privacy invading …
I started programming on a Windows machine about 6 years ago. I had just joined college and had little clue about what tools to use and where to …
I always wanted to have my self-hosted server when I was in college. Never had enough money to do much until recently. So after I got my first job, …
I brought Logitech MX Master 3S mouse, and it is a great mouse. It has a lot of features, and I am still exploring them. One of the features is to …
In the last post, I described how to install Tekton Results on a Kubernetes cluster. In this post, we will see how to use Tekton Results to store …
It has been 2 years since I was a Google Summer of Code Student. It was an outstanding opportunity and I really enjoyed working on the project. Not …
What do you do with your Tekton Pipelines once it finishes? Depending on if it failed or passed, you may keep it to inspect the logs. For most of …
This blog is a descreptive account of the development of Minimal Tekton Server. This is highly technical in nature, so please make sure that you …
I have been contributing to open source for the last 3 years and Red Hat was one of the companies that I was very fond of. I must say all my …
This is the final report of my Google Summer of Code 2021 at The FOSSology Project.
FOSSology is quite an old and mature …
This week I implemented CMake testing configuration and fixed most of the tests. As of now all but 5 tests are working fine.
This week I worked on CMake testing configuration. Most of the time was spent understanding the previous testing architecture.
This week I implemented CMake packaging configuration for FOSSology. The new configuration fixes issue with previous packaging configurations. It …
This week I implemented CMake packaging configuration for FOSSology. There were two meetings in this week and this report covers both of them.
In the first phase of GSoC 2021 @ The FOSSology Project, I have completed the desired milestone. As of now, FOSSology can be installed completely …
This week was dedicated to perfecting CMake Installation Configuration. The installation was tested and bugs were discussed.
CMake …
In this eighth meeting questions related to post install generation were asked. This was a short meeting.
Version parsing logic …
In this seventh meeting question related to installing the FOSSology were discussed.
CMake configuration files have been …
In this fifth meeting, question related to versioning and obtaining commit hash were discussed, this was a short meeting.
Version …
In this fourth meeting, a lot of questions were discussed related to the existing build system and what things we have to drop or modify.
In this third meeting, I demoed the working build system, currently building executables and libraries, a lot of queries were resolved about …
In this second meeting points over default Makefiles were discussed. Ninja can be used as an alternative for Makefiles.
This meeting is the first of the recurring weekly GSoC project meetings. In this meeting the current status of progress according to the proposal …
CMake stands for Cross-platform Make. Normally, a build tool like Make will parse a configuration file (Makefile) that contains all the commands …
If you use WakaTime to track your coding activity. You can add that to your README as a bar graph or embed it in your blog/portfolio. Just add this …
I applied for Systems Internship - Summer 2021 back in December 2020 at Hudson River Trading, New York. The internship description was: -
We are …
It is real pain when you have small SSD and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is growing exponentially in size. There is no easy way to move the …
VideoLAN is a non-profit organization that develops software for playing video and other media formats. VLC media player (commonly known as just …
टूटता तारा देखना एक अलौकिक अनुभव है। हिमाद्रि के छत से आसमान कुछ ज्यादा ही करीब प्रतीत होता है । लोग सदियों से हिमालय को पूजते आयें हैं । दादा-दादी …
In a bird’s eye view if we see around us, ants are the common and tiniest living entitiy seen by naked eye. One of them are the big red ants, …