Move WSL 2 Safely to another Drive
268 words

It is real pain when you have small SSD and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is growing exponentially in size. There is no easy way to move the WSL installation to another drive. Here in this blog I will discuss how to tackle this problem with bite size steps.
- Open a PowerShell or Command Prompt with Admin access. For this you can use WinKey + X shortcut and select Windows PowerShell(Admin).
- Check if the WSL 2 installation you are planning to move is is currently running/stopped.
PS C:\\Users\\Avinal> wsl -l -v
PS C:\\Users\\Avinal>
* Ubuntu Running 2
Kali Stopped 2
- If its running then you must stop the particular WSL distribution. (Ubuntu used as example)
PS C:\\Users\\Avinal> wsl -t Ubuntu
- Export to some folder. (Here exporting Ubuntu as ubuntu-ex.tar to Z:wsl2)
PS C:\\Users\\Avinal> wsl --export Ubuntu "Z:\\export\\ubuntu-ex.tar"
- Unregister previous WSL installation
PS C:\\Users\\Avinal> wsl --unregister Ubuntu
- Create a new folder and import your WSL installation to that folder.
PS C:\\Users\\Avinal> New-Item -Path "Z:\\wsl2" -ItemType Directory
Directory: Z:\\
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 31-12-2020 21:03 wsl2
PS C:\\Users\\Avinal> wsl --import Ubuntu "Z:\\wsl2" "Z:\\export\\ubuntu-ex.tar"
- Check after import is complete
PS C:\\Users\\Avinal> wsl -l -v
PS C:\\Users\\Avinal>
* Ubuntu Running 2
Kali Stopped 2
- Mark one of your WSL distribution as (default).
PS C:\\Users\\Avinal> wsl -s Ubuntu
- After exporting your default user will be set as root , to change it to your desired username, run following command
PS C:\\Users\\Avinal> ubuntu config --default-user user_name
- Finally run
and you have successfully moved your WSL 2 installation to another drive.