Coding Week 8 Meeting

Coding Week 8 Meeting

Avinal Kumar | | 276 words | ~2 mins
In this post, we'll take a look at:

This week I implemented CMake packaging configuration for FOSSology. The new configuration fixes issue with previous packaging configurations. It also retains the component wise installation features.

Week 8 Progress #

CMake Packaging configuration almost completed.

  • Packages can be built according to the FOSSology previous packaging structure.
  • Initial testing configuration added.
  • Ninja build has been fixed.
  • To test the current progress, follow the instructions here

Discussions #

  • How is the testing implemented in FOSSology?
    • Not all agents have testing implemented.
    • There are two types of tests Unit and Functional.
    • At first, the test executable calls multiple PHP scripts to create a test environment. And then tests are executed.
    • Files related to testing and common for all the agents are in src/testing
    • Other tests depends on phpunit. This PHPUnit is generated inside vendor.
  • As of now, the testing configurations are hardcoded, what should I do, because it seems the testing configuration will require changes to a lot of files?
    • Decide a deadline for the testing configuration and if until that point there is not very productive implementation then move to the next task that is implementing CI.
  • As of now building, installation, and packaging via CMake is working and in a stable state. To create an initial Pull Request. This would also be useful in case of the final evaluation and further testing will be based on this PR itself.
  • Fix any bugs or if there is the scope of improvement in Building, Installation and Packaging do that.

Conclusion and Further Plans #

  • Prepare for an initial PR.
  • Fix known bugs and apply Improvements.
  • Work on testing configurations.

Attendees #

#Gsoc #Fossology