Coding Week 2 Meeting

Coding Week 2 Meeting

Avinal Kumar | | 343 words | ~2 mins
In this post, we'll take a look at:

In this fourth meeting, a lot of questions were discussed related to the existing build system and what things we have to drop or modify.

Week 2 Progress #

This week was mainly focused on creating CMake configuration for libraries, executables and coverage.

  • Added the configuration for libraries and executables
  • Resolved parallel build problems with coverage configs
  • Implemented generated source configurations
  • To test the current progress, follow the instructions here

Discussions #

  • Should I generalize the coverage build for each agent?
    • Coverage depends on the agent_tests and may or may not be available for all the agent. So follow the Makefiles and add the configuration as it is in them.
    • Leave coverage for them who don’t have it already in their Makefiles.
  • What are :code:`$(AGENTLIB) $(REPO) $(DB)` in the Makefiles?
    • They seems to be remains of previous build configuration. Until there is a problem, ignore if you can not find the definitions.
  • Can I refactor the directory structure of nomos and monk, it will help keep the source code generation out of source directory?
    • Yeah, sure. As long as it does not affects the working of the project you may refactor them to suit your needs.
  • I am facing problems with due to headers included using angled brackets, can I change them to double quotes instead?
    • Yeah that would be okay, anyway the general practice is to add user header files using double quotes.
  • Using -Werror flag in regexscan causes build to fail, should I remove it?
    • Since regexscan is not the part of default build you can ignore it.
  • In scheduler source code the preprocessor macro value for FOSSDB_CONF is different from that in lib, is that correct?
    • We have made some changes, please change it to the same as in lib.

Conclusion and Further Plans #

  • Try adding the version and commit hash info.
  • Implement writing version files for each build.
  • Add proper comments in the CMakeLists.txt files.
  • Complete the coverage build configuration
  • Start implementing the install configurations

Attendees #

#Gsoc #Fossology