Coding Week 10 Meeting

Coding Week 10 Meeting

Avinal Kumar | | 413 words | ~2 mins
In this post, we'll take a look at:

This week I implemented CMake testing configuration and fixed most of the tests. As of now all but 5 tests are working fine.

Week 9 Progress #

Testing configuration for all agents added

  • GitHub Actions Configuration added
  • Fixed and refactored most of the tests
  • Raised a pull request for all the works till now. #2075
  • To test the current progress, follow the instructions here

Discussions #

  • I suspect that the Ojo regression test’s expected data file is outdated
    • Michael said that on their internal Jenkins CI, these tests are not being run currently, so this might be possible that the file is outdated.
  • Since some of the tests need Makefile to install while testing, CMake generated Makefiles and test Makefiles are conflicting, and hence we are forced to use Ninja for testing. What can I do about it?
    • Michael suggested using --file=filename flag with the make command and change the name of the test Makefile to something else. This will solve the problem.
  • Mimetype is detecting executables as shared lib, is that expected or needs to be fixed?
    • Mimetype internally depends on the file command to get the mime-type. If the output of the file command is also the same then it is okay.
  • What is folderlist in ?
    • folderlist is a view. Use createViews() function.
  • Suggestions/Changes from Gaurav for fixing phpunit tests.
    • Please note the changes in setUp() function in src/lib/php/tests/test_common_license_file.php
    • The test database name is given to the constructor of TestPgDb and can be anything as it gets deleted in teardown()
    • The dbmanager is provided by the object, no need to initialize global PG_CONN (it will be exposed by the library in case some of the functions need it).
    • All the tables needs to be explicitly mentioned to createPlainTables() and their corresponding createSequences() (you can get them using \d tablename from existing DB easily. Then call the alterTables() to update the sequence. (I am not sure if createConstraints() is required at all, try to remove)
    • tearDown() is pretty easy, just need to call fullDestruct(). For debugging, you can add exit(-1); after any line you as suspecting, connect to DB and checkout the database, select/inspect tables.
    • There is also TestInstaller class in case any of test case needs the whole mods-enabled with fossology.conf, VERSION, etc. Please check src/cli/tests/test_fo_copyright_list.php for quick reference.

Conclusion and Further Plans #

  • Fix the remaining tests.
  • Add week 8, 9 reports.
  • Add Final Evaluation Report.
  • Complete Final Evaluation.

Attendees #

#Gsoc #Fossology